Muggie's Christmas present this year is a bed. She's had the blanket, but it was time to make a bed out of it.

It supposed to be brown tabby like her, but I think it looks more camoflauge. In case you are wondering, her bed is a cardboard box I got out of the junk boxes bin at Costco and painted.
Muggie's Blanket Story
There is a story behind how Muggie's blanket became hers. I spent a month or so knitting a blanket as a Mother's Day gift for my Mom. I finished it a couple of days before Mother's Day. While I was weaving in the ends I noticed that the yarn had broken in the middle of the blanket. It unraveled and there was a big hole. Since it was the first blanket I had ever knitted I was too heartbroken to throw it away. I tossed it in my craft corner. Several months later I was cleaning out my craft corner (don't laugh, I really do get around to cleaning my craft corner from time to time) and I put it in the "throw out pile." I finished cleaning and Muggie was sleeping on the blanket. That's how the blanket became Muggie's. She didn't care that it had a big hole in it and it made me happy that someone was getting some use out of it.
Picture of Muggie for cuteness.
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