I found a quick easy thing to knit. Plus they are easy to carry around when I take my knitting with me. I've been making hats and using the homespun Lion brand yarn. It only takes about and hour and a half to make. I think I'll probably donate them to a homeless shelter or something.
I'm 28. I'm currently employment challenged. I am going to school part time to get a BS in Political Science. I spend a lot of time crafting and watching football. Go Cowboys! I have 4 cats, a rabbit and lots of fish. I have a Betta fish named Master. I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy. I spend way too much time talking to my cats. I'm married, but I still think I'll turn out like the crazy cat lady. I'm attempting to learn to cook things that don't involve a microwave. I have a love for very bad TV although I don't watch that much TV. My favortie non-sporting event shows are America's Next Top Model and Project Runway. I occasionally get sucked into My Sweet sixteen (I swear it's a train wreck and I can't look away)or The Fabulous Life of.....