
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sweater Update Week 6

I'm up to about 8 inches on the front. I feel like I've done nothing but knit. I have 3 knitting projects going right now.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I made bracelets this week. The first picture is of the 3 bracelets I made for a bracelet swap. I can't wait to get mine.
This bracelet is one that I made for me from the leftover beads.

Sweater Update Week 5

I manage to get the first 12 rows of the front done today. I haven't worked on it much since I finished the back. The goal is to finish the front by the end of Feb.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sweater Update--Week 4

The back is done. I finished up the back of my sweater last night. Now I have to make the front then do a 3 needle bind off that will attach the two sides together. I'm so excited to see the progress. I want this sweater to be done so I can say I did it.

I have a lot of knitting projects going and not much else. I have a super secret project going on for Doug's birthday. I'm also working on a scarf for a friend and snuggle (a blanket that is donated to animal shelters for the animals use in their kennels).

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Lots O' Stuff

I haven't tried any cooking recently. Dinners have been frozen pot pies and Healthy Choice meals. I have decided to plant a little garden this spring. We have a tiny (I mean tiny) little area in front of our patio that has rocks and the last tenant left us an empty flower pot. I'm going to move the rocks and plant pansies. I adore pansies.

Moving on... I've been busy this week knitting socks, making pet beds and Mod Podging light switch covers.

Socks I started before Christmas.

Pet beds--The first one is for Nae Nae. I put it beside the fish tank because she likes to sit there and look at the fish. I wish I had a picture of her on it.

Next one is a bed for the dog. I made it with a removable cover that I can wash. Our dog gets really stinky. We (okay, Doug) gives her a bath and the first time she goes outside she gets stinky again.

Lastly I have my light switch plate covers. Doug says the Hello Kitty ones are creepy, but they just worked out that way. I did not mean for the light switches to be Hello Kitty's eyes and nose.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Sweater Update--Moving into week 3--no pics

I have 19 inches of the back done, only 11 more inches to go. I am going to try very very hard to finish up the back this week. My goal is to have my first sweater done by Valentine's Day which also happens to be Doug's birthday.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I <3 Broccoli

My cooking from Sunday. Sunday is like my day to cook or something. I was 3 for 3 this week, not too shabby.

Chicken and Rice Casserole--

It called for just broccoli, but I also used cauliflower. I had enough leftover broccoli to make cream of broccoli soup---

Last but not least I made banana bread. I'm really picky about my bananas. One brown spot and I won't eat them. It works out well for Phoebe (the bunny) because she gets them when I won't eat them. This time I had too many bananas to pass off on the rabbit so I made bread. It came out really really good. I was expecting it to be bland and dry, but it wasn't at all. I used this recipe

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year

Have a Happy Crafty New Year!!!!!!!!